Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Igorrr english translations

Poisson Soluble : Soluble Fish
1 Petit Prélude Périmé : Dated (past use-by date, off) little prelude
2 Mastication Numérique : Digital Mastication
3 Tartine De Contrebasse : Bass Sandwich
4 Pizza Aux Narines : Nostril Pizza
5 Dixit Dominus : latin: The Lord Said
6 Sueur De Caniche : Caniche (Poodle) Sweat
7 Dieu Est-Il Un Etre?: Is God a Being
8 Sorbet Aux Ongles : Fingernail Sorbet

Moisissure : Mold
1 Valse En Décomposition : Decomposing Waltz
2 Oesophage De Tourterelle : Oesophagus of a Turtledove (Samples Chopin Etudes, Op.10 No.2 in A minor (Chromatique))
3 Putrefiunt : Putrefiunt
4 Extro : Extro
5 Liquid Requiem : Liquid Requiem
6 Brutal Swing : Brutal Swing (Violent Swing sometimes)
7 Phasme Obèse : Obese Stick Insect
8 Huile Molle : Soft Oil
9 Croute : Crust
10 Moelleux : Spongy, like a light and fluffy spongecake
11 Moisissure : Mold

It's mostly english, but here goes!

1. Double Monk
2. Tendon
3. Excessive Funeral
4. Very Long Chicken
5. Melting Nails
6. Pavor Nocturnus : Night Terror (Latin)
7. Caros : Dear (Latin), Expensive (Spanish)
8. Cruciform Dachshund
9. Half a Pony
10. Unpleasant Sonata
11. Dentist
12. Fryzura Konika : Horse Hair (Polish)
13. Veins
14. Moldy Eye

Updated, Thanks Klara!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Removing unwanted android apps

Thanks Firerat :)

adb remount
adb shell
rm /system/app/$apk
pm uninstall `awk -F \" '/'$apk'/ { print $2 }' /data/system/packages.xml`
adb push Launcher.apk /system/app/
adb shell fix_permissions -f Launcher.apk